How to assign a Json font within an interface


Viewed 52 times


I am trying to generate an interface of a Json file but this error, what would be the error in my code?

 export interface Compra {
        event: string;
        timestamp: number;
        custom_data: number;
        value: string;
        key: number;


                "custom_data":[{"key":"store_name","value":"Loja y"},{"key":"transaction_id","value":"3029384"}]},



               {"event":"comprou","timestamp":"2016-10-02T11:37:31.2300892-03:00","revenue":120,"custom_data":[{"key":"transaction_id","value":"32132131"},{"key":"store_name","value":"Loja x"}]}]}`insira o código aqui`
  • What error are you making? * Detail I noticed, your custom_data attribute is as number, but it’s actually an object *

  • I’m trying to make this html structure:

  • <span class="content-date">{purchase.timestamp}</span> <H3 class="content-sumprice">{purchase.custom_data}</H3> <H3 class="content-store">{purchase.value}}</H3>

  • <div *ngFor="Let compra of Events"> <tl-compra [compra]="compra"></tl-compra> </div>

  • Ta giving this error: ERROR Typeerror: Cannot read Property

1 answer


You need to declare two interfaces and use one inside the other:

export interface Compra {
        event: string;
        timestamp: number;
        custom_data: CustomData[];

export interface CustomData{
        value: string;
        key: number;
  • Okay, thanks for the tip, my output in html is just like I should represent Customdata: <span class="content-date">{purchase.timestamp.key}</span> <H3 class="content-store">{purchase.value}</H3> <!-<H3 class="content-sumprice">{purchase.custom_data}</H3>

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