PHP instruction executed directly by Mysql


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Currently, as the sending of the email was giving a lag in the application, because it has to connect with Gmail etc, I transferred to the server the mission to send these messages, as follows::

  • User writes to tbl_msg the message and the addressee.
  • On the server I have an open page that is giving Reload every 10 seconds.
  • This page searches the database for the tbl_msg, when it finds it, it executes a PHP code that sends the email.

This way the application for the user does not suffer any lag.

What I want

It is possible for the bank itself to do something that if any data is recorded in the tbl_msg Mysql automatically runs the PHP statement, without having to have an open page?

  • 1

    I would like to confirm this in a reply, but I’m not sure. But you can create a task in some kind of crontab running a PHP script each n seconds. This script would check if there are any emails to be sent and, if there are any, send this email.

  • 1

    In fact what you want is to run this process in the background, known as Workers. Here you can check out some tips on getting started.

  • My server is windows, and I don’t think it’s right to leave a page open on the server giving Reload. A little problem in Bronwse and msgs are not sent.

2 answers


There is how you perform external functions in Mysql, but it is a tedious and complicated maintenance job.

It’s a lot easier for you for an entrance crontab or in the task scheduler run the desired PHP every 10 minutes.


In most distros *Nix the crontab line would look like this, to run every 10 minutes:

5,15,25,35,45,55 * * * * /usr/bin/php meuscript.php > /var/log/meuscript.log

Some distros support this syntax:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php meuscript.php > /var/log/meuscript.log


Just schedule a task on scheduler with these features. If you want, you can redirect to a log and facilitate the detection of errors and debug.

c:/caminhoparaoseu/php.exe c:/caminho/para/arquivo.php

Independent of OS, make sure to use the right paths for things in your system.

Making a loop with PHP

For short intervals of time, you can run a PHP script with a loop infinite at system startup:

   set_time_limit( 0 ); // para o PHP poder rodar sem limite de tempo

   while( true ) {
       ... aqui vai a sua função do DB ...

       sleep( 10 ); // numero de segundos entre um loop e outro

Do not access this script from the browser! Use the command line not to unnecessarily occupy a web server process. Also, the directive max_execution_time has default value 0 by the command line, allowing the loop rotate indefinitely.

  • My windows server, leave this task in windows scheduler is safe ?

  • The Scheduler was made for this kind of thing.

  • I agree with the appointment of @Bacco, the task scheduler is the best way to remedy the problem.


From what I’ve seen, it’s possible, but it’s not simple...

You need to import the udf library in the MYSQL to use a function called sys_exec.

Then you could create a Trigger so that whenever there was a new record, the function sys_exec was called, and on that call execute a command on the system, which in turn execute php, passing as parameter the script responsible for data search and e-mail sending.

I never used it, but I saw it in this question in English. What will validate whether or not it works is your programming skills.

  • Our dear, I gave a quick read and it passes away from my knowledge. Even so thank you, I will try here. I thought a task like this was less complicated, that doesn’t mean easy.

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