Variable in the EJS


Viewed 455 times


Good morning, everyone!

So, come on: I’m trying to use Plotly to generate a bar graph, and it accepts variables. I have a connection on NODE.JS with a database and, NODE.JS in thesis (After a console.log on the route) is passing to the view which is the JSON object with all the values of the database I will use. What I’d like to know is... How can I use a variable in the view to store only the numeric values that will be used in the graph (No X)? Even because, if I have a value or 20 numerical values, the corresponding lines should be generated... Should I put this inside a is? The same logic I will use with the name (No Y)... Route:

    app.get('/barras', function(req,res){
    console.log('Database connection online');
    connection.query('select progresso from barra', function(error,result){
        barras = result;


    <!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- Plotly.js -->
  <script src=""></script>


  <div id="myDiv" style="width: 480px; height: 400px;"><!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV --></div>
  var barras = barras;
  var data = [{
      type: 'bar',
      x: [17,20,84],
      y: ['teste1', 'teste2', 'teste3'],
      orientation: 'h'

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data);

The JSON that is sent is [Rowdatapacket { progress: 11 },Rowdatapacket { progress: 10}, Rowdatapacket { progress: 20 }]

  • I have tried to declare to var alone within the <% %>...

  • I don’t understand it very well, but do you want to extract the numerical values from the search? If it is, it can be foreach or map.

  • Exactly. The point is that I was able to extract, the declaration of receipt was missing in a variable. bars = <%= JSON.parse(bars[i].progress) %>; and the variable in the graph later. The point now would be to make a way in which regardless of how many values are returned, the application can generate the corresponding number of bars. With foreach you can’t...

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