Getting String via Delphi and PHP


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Gentlemen, good night, sir! I’ve had a problem for three days without a solution.

The code below, I use to get a string as a form of authentication. The variable sPOST presents the string "Authorized" at the event Showmessage, but if I use "if sPOST = 'Authorized' then" it doesn’t work.

procedure TForm1.btnAuthClick(Sender: TObject);
  lHTTP: TIdHTTP;                                                  
  sPOST: String;
  parameters: TStringList;
  parameters := TStringList.Create;
  lHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);

    lHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

    //fbURL é uma CONST onde está definido a URL
    sPOST := lHTTP.Post(fbURL+'/lib/consult.php', parameters);
    ShowMessage(sPOST); //Aqui o sPOST recebe a string "Autorizado" ou "Negado".
                        //Está funcionando perfeitamente. A mensagem é exibida com a string correta.

    //Mas aqui, sPOST não parece ter recebido a string,
    //Pois não acata a condição. 
    if sPOST = 'Autorizado' then
        tbCtrl.ActiveTab:= tabPrincipal; //Abre aba principal
        ShowMessage(sPOST); //Deveria exibir mensagem novamente como teste
      begin ShowMessage('Se lascou!'); end;


The Consult.php is like this:

$eval = $_REQUEST["email"]; //Aqui já foi utilizado como $_POST, 
$sval = $_REQUEST["senha"]; //mas de nada adiantou.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbusuario WHERE email='$eval' AND senha='$sval'";
if($result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)){
    if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
        echo "Autorizado";
    } else{
        echo "Negado";
} else{
    echo "ERRO: Não foi possível executar $sql. " . mysqli_error($conn);

I know it seems a bit of a rough problem, but I’m struggling with it. Because this IF does not work even by a decree.

Thanks in advance for the attention and the dedicated time of all.

  • And what error or message appears from the result in php?

  • You’re getting "Autorizado" or Autorizado ?

  • 1

    Good morning Caio. I worked a little with php and had some return problems too. One of the times I was making this kind of comparison is that you want "if sPOST = 'Authorized' then" simply the variable had a space in the front that php put. Visually in SHOWMESSAGE you won’t even see that there is this space.. but believe me.. it may be there :) . Right now it’s the only thing I can think of :). Hugs.

  • Daniel Omine, I’m not getting an error message. In Showmessage before IF, the sPOST variable receives the "Authorized" string, but in IF it seems not to identify the string.

  • Junior Moreira, he returns Authorized even without quotation marks.

  • Ricardo M. Souza, good morning! I thought about it too, but I didn’t imagine it was a fact, I didn’t want to believe it. I’m going to use "Trim" or a Stringreplace to verify it. Thank you very much for the information. In fact, that could be it. Hugs.

  • Thank you all. Today I will make a few more attempts and give a position to you.

  • Ricardo M. Souza, you were right. The bastard is printing like this "<body>&#65279;Authorized</body>". I searched for this sequence and found that in fact it is a space (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE). The worst is that neither "Trim", nor "Trimleft", nor even Stringreplace is managing to fix the problem. It seems that I will have to eliminate this space before printing the return (ECHO). Finding a solution, I inform here. Thank you again.

  • Oops! Thanks, @Rodrigo Rigo, but I had already tried the Trim also unsolved. GOOD in PHP. Follow the link below if someone encounters the same problem. Unicode signature (BOM)

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1 answer


Good afternoon try the following:

if POS('Autorizado', sPOST) > 0 then
  tbCtrl.ActiveTab:= tabPrincipal; //Abre aba principal

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