Use windows CMD commands from typed


Viewed 39 times


I use Cmder or Conemu and am trying to configure some of them to get the commands typed from what I have already typed. For example, if I type the following sequence of commands:

cd Sites\site1

ssh user@ip


And then type UP (up arrow), will come the last command typed, in case mysql, so far so good. But if I type ssh and then type UP, the command that will come will be the mysql, and not the ssh user@ip.

My goal is, how I typed ssh, when typing UP come the last commands that begin with ssh, as in the Ubuntu terminal.

This is very useful to me, because I use ssh on several different servers, with different IP addresses, so I don’t have to memorize and rewrite all the IPS. Sometimes I need to use again a command that I user months ago, and that’s what I used when using Ubuntu.

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