Error trying to Start Tomcat in Eclipse


Viewed 152 times


I have the configuration below:

  • Eclipse: Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
  • Apache Tomcat 8.5.33 Server

I accessed the address http://localhost:8080/ without any mistake.

When trying to Start in Eclipse I get the message below:

-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C: Program Files Apache Software Foundation Tomcat 8.5 endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone Apis in modular form will be supported via the Concept of Upgradeable modules.

  • As the error is reported Tomcat 8.5 endorsed is not supported, and it will only be supported with updated modules, Tomcat is already in version 9.0.11 try updating it this should solve your problem as reported here >> and you can download the new version here

  • After installing Tomcat 9.0 and trying again, I got the message: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine A fatal Exception has occurred. Program will Exit.

  • got something with the update ?

  • I also received the message "An Internal error has occurred. java.lang.Nullpointerexception"

  • this error is common in java, here for reasons that might be

  • I believe now is some error related in your code

  • I haven’t created any web project yet. But I will search...

  • Good evening. I installed version JDK 8 and managed to launch Tomcat8 on Eclipse Oxygen. Thank you.

  • for nothing, good works

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