Format object with object array in properties - variable scope problem


Viewed 101 times


Good morning,

I have a problem returning from a webservice, I do a query to get Categories, and then another to get the items from that category. The goal is to assemble a return in the pattern:

 "categoryId" : 1,             <--- resultado da query 1
 "category" : "Alimentos",     <--- resultado da query 1
 "items" : [{
             "eventItemListId": 34,
             "itemId": 31,
             "item": "blabla",
             "amountNeeded": 4,
             "unityId": 1,
             "unity": "Un",
             "addedBy": "1"
            (...)              <--- Este array de objetos vem da query 2

My webservice is as follows:

getEventItemListByCategory: (eventId) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const { connection, errorHandler } = deps
    const sqlData = [eventId]
    connection.query(process.env.QUERY_CATEGORY_ALL, sqlData, (error, results) => {
      if (error) {
        errorHandler(error, 'Falha ao obter lista de categorias', reject)
        return false
      var ret = []
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
          let row = results[i]
        console.log( + ' | ' + row.description)
        const sqlData = [eventId,]
        connection.query(process.env.QUERY_ITEM_EVENT_ITEMS_BY_CATEGORY, sqlData, (error, results) => {
          if (error) {
            errorHandler(error, 'Falha ao obter lista de itens evento', reject)
            return false
            category: row.description,
            items: JSON.stringify(results)
      resolve({ eventItems: JSON.stringify(ret) })

On the line where I log to the console, the result is (apparently ok):

[{"categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","items":"[  {"eventItemListId":34,"itemId":31,"item":"blabla","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":4,"unityId":1,"unity":"Un","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":36,"itemId":38,"item":"lalala","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":4,"unityId":1,"unity":"Un","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":5,"itemId":7,"item":"Linguiça","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":5,"unityId":4,"unity":"Kg","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":6,"itemId":10,"item":"Pão de alho","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":2,"unityId":2,"unity":"Pc","addedBy":"3"},{"eventItemListId":4,"itemId":5,"item":"Picanha","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":3,"unityId":4,"unity":"Kg","addedBy":"2"},{"eventItemListId":3,"itemId":3,"item":"Refrigerante","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":12,"unityId":5,"unity":"L","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":35,"itemId":32,"item":"Teste inclusão","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":10,"unityId":1,"unity":"Un","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":1,"itemId":1,"item":"Vodka","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":6,"unityId":3,"unity":"Gf","addedBy":"1"},{"eventItemListId":2,"itemId":2,"item":"Whisky","categoryId":1,"category":"Alimentos","amountNeeded":6,"unityId":3,"unity":"Gf","addedBy":"2"}]"},
  {"eventItemListId":7,"itemId":12,"item":"Caixa de som","categoryId":2,"category":"Infraestrutura","amountNeeded":2,"unityId":1,"unity":"Un","addedBy":"3"},{"eventItemListId":10,"itemId":20,"item":"Carvao","categoryId":2,"category":"Infraestrutura","amountNeeded":2,"unityId":2,"unity":"Pc","addedBy":"2"},{"eventItemListId":11,"itemId":21,"item":"Gelo","categoryId":2,"category":"Infraestrutura","amountNeeded":8,"unityId":2,"unity":"Pc","addedBy":"2"}]"},

But the webservice, when tested in Postman does not return value. By doing a test moving the 'console.log' out of the scope it is, standing just before the 'resolve', it actually logs empty arrays.

I have already taken the test to change the location of the variable declaration in all blocks, but I cannot assemble the return as desired until the final return scope. Can anyone explain to me exactly where the mistake is?

Thank you.

1 answer


You are solving the problem before you finish the querys within the for. Try to check if it is the last iteration before returning the reply to the client. The code would be next to the below:

for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
    let row = results[i]
    console.log( + ' | ' + row.description)
    const sqlData = [eventId,]
    connection.query(process.env.QUERY_ITEM_EVENT_ITEMS_BY_CATEGORY, sqlData, (error, results) => {
        if (error) {
            errorHandler(error, 'Falha ao obter lista de itens evento', reject)
            return false
            category: row.description,
            items: JSON.stringify(results)

        // Validar indice antes de resolve a promise
        if (i === results.length - 1) {
            resolve({ eventItems: JSON.stringify(ret) })

The command connection.query responds asynchronously, hence you must make sure that they are finished before returning the array to the client. Therefore, the ideal would be to create a list of Promise for each query execution and resolve the main Promise at the end of all the Promises using Promise.all

  • I’m starting in this language, I understand the logic, but I’m not sure how to implement it. For what I researched, theoretically I need to pass to Promisse.all the array with the Connection iterations of each category, which at the end would return the category->items blocks. Right?

  • I was able to do it with your index validation, but I had to change my first loop by assigning the first query’s Results to a new variable.

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