Entity Framework removing entitdades that has fk


Viewed 27 times


I have in my Repospository, my method of deleting

public virtual void Deletar(int Id)
  var entity = _dbSet.Find(Id);

The problem is that it is deleting even if it is with FK in another table, and I don’t want it to delete, which is wrong?

  • You have to create database contraints. There is no magic. Or else validate via application, which is also not simple.

  • Fernando, when generating the bank (code first) is already generated with FK

  • Which database you use?

  • Sql Server 2012

  • It was to generate an exception in the database if there is the correct Constraint.

  • Fernando, I found the bug already, was in a configuration of the Entity Framework

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1 answer


By default, the Entity framework comes with Cascade enabled, so I disabled it and it went on my Exception


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