I would like to generate the confidence interval values for some explanatory variables of the HUNTED response variable. The data is distributed in 3 distinct time periods. However, when I use the code: library (MASS) confint (allspecies4) I only get error messages (see below). Would anyone know how to improve my script so I can access the confidence interval? Note: My data set is very large, so I only put a part of it here.
allspecies4<-read.csv(file= "dadosGLMM.csv", header= TRUE, sep= ";" )
allspecies4<- glmer(HUNTED~ eco+TrophicLevel+age+ log(body_mass)+
habitat+ABUND + PERIOD + tabu +(1|Specie),
data=dadosGLMM, family=binomial)
> confint(allspecies4)
Computing profile confidence intervals ...
Error in zeta(shiftpar, start = opt[seqpar1][-w]) :
profiling detected new, lower deviance
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
2: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
3: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
4: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
5: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf, :
failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
6: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
7: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
8: In nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut) :
unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep
9: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : non-monotonic profile for (Intercept)
Specie body_mass TrophicLevel age eco habitat PERIOD HUNTED ABUND tabu
Cerc_mit 3.70 2 57 2 F DURING 0 2 1
Cerc_mit 3.70 2 57 2 F AFTER 0 3 1
Cerc_mit 3.70 2 57 2 F BEFORE 0 4 1
Cerc_mit 3.70 2 67 2 F DURING 1 2 1
Cerc_mit 3.70 2 67 2 F AFTER 0 2 1
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 53 2 S DURING 0 3 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 74 2 S DURING 0 3 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 30 2 S DURING 0 4 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 63 2 S DURING 0 4 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 54 2 S DURING 0 3 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 30 2 S DURING 0 4 0
Chlor_cyn 3.70 2 30 2 S DURING 0 3 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 24 3 F DURING 0 3 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 24 3 F BEFORE 0 4 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 33 3 F AFTER 1 4 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 33 3 F BEFORE 0 4 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 33 3 F DURING 0 4 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 43 3 F BEFORE 0 4 0
Phil_mont 3.69 2 43 3 F DURING 0 4 0
but thenallspecies4<- glmer(..., data=dadosGLMM)
when the data name is not the file name, isallspecies4
. And you should use another name for the model, never the name of the date.frame. 3) Never useattach
, does nothing useful and can be dangerous. Delete that line quickly and don’t think about it anymore.– Rui Barradas