How do I make a registration in Moodle, and where the data is recorded?


Viewed 207 times


I am developing a Moodle subscription plugin which generates a ticket from a certain bank, but I have some questions regarding the confirmation of the user’s registration (enrol):

What table is responsible for enrolling a student to a course at Moodle?

What would be the command to effect the inscription?

Moodle documentation is extremely confusing, making it difficult for the developer.

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    Check out these links below. I think they can give you the way.,d. cWc

1 answer


The standard student table is mdl_user. The table where the registration is mdl_role_assignments.

To enter a student, for example, through the bank, you can consult this file, where the Moodle SQL structure is explained.

In this article has a more detailed explanation of how to insert a Moodle student into a new course, but is based on version 1.7.

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