SHA512 hexadecimal return


Viewed 132 times


I found an example of encrypting a string with SHA512.

public static string HashedString(string text)
    SHA512Managed sha512 = new SHA512Managed();
    byte[] hash = sha512.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

    foreach (byte b in hash)

    return result.ToString();

But when I have print on the screen the return of this method I realize that the result is in binary and I want in hexadecimal.

  • And what is your doubt?

  • PQ the method is not as in the example?

  • And why should?

  • Maniero I hope to receive the result as in the example. If you go in any generator of sha512 online, as that for example, the result you will receive is a string like the one in the example. What’s missing or what’s wrong code so I can get an equal result?

2 answers


  • Ummm, convert byte per byte to string. It might actually be that, I’m just not very familiar with the string you passed to the Append method()

  • When I saw the result I thought it could be hexa but I wasn’t sure, I thought it could be just a random sequence of numbers and letters generated by the encryption algorithm, until pq had not read about how the hash process works sha512. I’ll edit the question.


Where is

StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

foreach (byte b in hash)

return result.ToString();

replace with

return BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "");

That way you won’t have n+1 strings in the heap, but only 2.

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