Magento square thumbmail


Viewed 20 times


I am creating a virtual store in magento using the tema porto, but I have the following problem: The images are becoming rectangular and disproportionate, follow a photo example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How do I leave a standard size for the photos? something square like 200x200

  • I’ve tried changing the image code in the list to keepFrame(TRUE) and $ratio_width,$ratio_height to 150,150 and it doesn’t resolve :(

1 answer


the change q vc made in $ratio_width and $ratio_height affect the generation of the code in PHP... this modifies the quality of the rendered image... but does not affect the size of its display on the screen/browser.

q controls the size of the displayed image, eh HTML/CSS.

depending on how the theme was created... you can modify the width and height of these images in a style.css own theme (should be within the package Theme port).

look for the image class (if any).. vc should find the class name in the html generated in the browser (right click on the image).. should look something like "class=product_image".

or else .product .img within the style.css of the theme.

in some cases (pq everything depends on how the theme was written)... the width and height size will be inside the html img tag, eg.: "<img src='...' width='...'>" in this case you need to modify directly in the HTML code.

success there.

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