Get "Version Name" [Xamarin.Forms]


Viewed 246 times


I have a screen About and I wish I could take the Version Name, how to do this?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


We need to use the DependencyService to implement the code for Android and to iOS.

First we will create and define our Interface which will contain our return version name method:

public interface IDevice
    string ConsultarVersao();

Now we will create a class in the project Android and implement our interface which in this case is called IDevice:

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MeuApp.Droid.DeviceDroid))]
namespace MeuApp.Droid
    public class DeviceDroid : IDevice
        public string ConsultarVersao()
            return Application.Context.ApplicationContext.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(Application.Context.ApplicationContext.PackageName, 0).VersionName;

Now we’ll do the same for the iOS, we will create a class in the project iOS and implement our interface IDevice:

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MeuApp.iOS.DeviceIOS))]
namespace MeuApp.iOS
    public class DeviceIOS : IDevice
        public string ConsultarVersao()
            return NSBundle.MainBundle.ObjectForInfoDictionary("CFBundleShortVersionString").ToString();

Okay, it’s all done. Now just use the method as follows that will work for both platforms:


I hope I’ve helped.


You can use Versiontrack.

using Xamarin.Essentials;


After starting Track, you can read the version information.

Down with the methods:

// First time ever launched application
var firstLaunch = VersionTracking.IsFirstLaunchEver;

// First time launching current version
var firstLaunchCurrent = VersionTracking.IsFirstLaunchForCurrentVersion;

// First time launching current build
var firstLaunchBuild = VersionTracking.IsFirstLaunchForCurrentBuild;

// Current app version (2.0.0)
var currentVersion = VersionTracking.CurrentVersion;

// Current build (2)
var currentBuild = VersionTracking.CurrentBuild;

// Previous app version (1.0.0)
var previousVersion = VersionTracking.PreviousVersion;

// Previous app build (1)
var previousBuild = VersionTracking.PreviousBuild;

// First version of app installed (1.0.0)
var firstVersion = VersionTracking.FirstInstalledVersion;

// First build of app installed (1)
var firstBuild = VersionTracking.FirstInstalledBuild;

// List of versions installed (1.0.0, 2.0.0)
var versionHistory = VersionTracking.VersionHistory;

// List of builds installed (1, 2)
var buildHistory = VersionTracking.BuildHistory;

Source: Xamarin.Essentials: Version control

  • 1

    I tried to use and it did not work, but thank you, with the other answer I got, thank you.

  • Okay, I’m still sorry.

  • No, I appreciate your interest in helping.

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