Sending mobile information to the web


Viewed 49 times


Good morning my dear!

I want to collect some data and send some information from Mobile (Android) to a website I am developing with (Python+Django). However I do not know the name of this cell phone sending process. What’s the name of sending mobile data to my website? That then I can do an Internet search..

So the question is.. "What is the name of the process that performs the sending of data collected by mobile, to a web site? "


  • I believe you’re looking for the word "requisition" but be careful. Between platforms requests are made for API and not for a de facto website. I think you should rephrase your question or look a little more on the internet to find a solution.

1 answer


You will make an HTTP request (HTTP Request) - more specifically, usually using one of the "POST, PUT or PATCH" methods to modify data or "GET" only to retrieve data. So in some documents "HTTP POST Request" may be abbreviated to "POST".

Elsewhere you can find the word "query" to shorten it further ("I’ll query the server").

If your android app is in Javascript or some similar technology, this type of request may also be documented as "ajax" or "asynchronous request".

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