Syntax Error in MAP Angular6


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I’m on a course of angular 4, but I’m using the 6, it makes me feel good, but once in a while there are some things that don’t work, I managed to fix most, but there’s one that makes me crazy that is the MAP in the search method. It would take a lot to go through with this because my TCC depends on this kkkk. Thanks already personal.

Top Component (where the search bar is)

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { OfertasService } from '../ofertas.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Oferta } from '../shared/oferta.model';
 public pesquisa(termoDaPesquisa: string): void{
    this.ofertas = this.ofertasService.pesquisaOferta(termoDaPesquisa)
      (ofertas: Oferta[]) => console.log(ofertas)

offer.service.ts (where is the logic of offers, where I will search)

import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Oferta } from './shared/oferta.model';
import { URL_API } from './app.api'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
public pesquisaOferta(termo: string): Observable<Oferta[]> {
        return this.http.get(`${URL_API}?descricao_oferta_like=${termo}`)
            .pipe(map((resposta: any) => resposta.json()))


and the top html Component

<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Pesquise por ofertas..." #termoDaPesquisa (keyup)="pesquisa(termoDaPesquisa.value)"/>

And I’ll show a screen print with the error! inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

EDIT: top.Component complete

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { OfertasService } from '../ofertas.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Oferta } from '../shared/oferta.model';

  selector: 'xyz-topo',
  templateUrl: './topo.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./topo.component.css'],
  providers: [OfertasService]
export class TopoComponent implements OnInit {

  public ofertas: Observable<Oferta[]>

  constructor(private ofertasService: OfertasService) { }

  ngOnInit() {

  public pesquisa(termoDaPesquisa: string): void{
    this.ofertas = this.ofertasService.pesquisaOferta(termoDaPesquisa)
      (ofertas: Oferta[]) => console.log(ofertas)

  • shows your service constructor

  • Sorry for the delay, I just got home now, it’s empty constructor(private http: Http) { }

  • You can insert the top.component.ts integer, possibly the error is here... I think the error is in your pipe, if it works I put as answer . pipe( Retry(10), map((Answer: Offer[]) => { Return Response }) )

  • Insert the entire top Component there, thanks in advance staff!

1 answer


There have been changes in the method map(), version of Angular 4, to 6. I believe that in your case the problem is that there is no more conversion to JSON in the method map().

Try modifying the method pesquisa() in the archive offers.service.ts.

public pesquisaOferta(termo: string): Observable<Oferta[]> {
    return this.http.get(URL_API + "?descricao_oferta_like=" + termo)
        map((response: Oferta[]) => {
            return response

Also try to pass the three parameters on your observer inscription.

   public pesquisa(termoDaBusca: string) : void {

    // Observavel
    this.ofertas = this.ofertasService.pesquisaOferta(termoDaBusca)

    // Observador
      (ofertas: Oferta[]) => {
      (error: string) => {
        console.log("Erro na pesquisa. Erro: " + error)
      }, () => {
        console.log("Termino do fluxo da stream")
  • Just adding that there is no correlation in using all observable parameters and the problem. Its use is optional and in some cases advised. >>Good Codding!

  • I’ll try! I just got a question, in the course I saw nothing about that Retry, what would it be? I could apply it as?

  • About the retry(), is an optional parameter that you pass to pipe(), informing the amount of http request attempts you want it to make to the server in case of a connection problem.

  • Erick my good, thank you so much for the help man! I’m learning too much from all this! I’m grateful and hope to pass it on to other people as well!

  • Erick, I came back here kkkk, it worked yes, I was able to recover all the data, but literally they are all being, I am not able to filter as the map would and leave only the name for example. I’m researching some way to be able to leave only the search string in return

  • This other problem you are having is related to the server you are using. Try working with this off-the-grid server of yours.

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