Good morning.
I am using this code to update the firmware of my company’s servers.
However, I wanted to use this same code to update a list of servers, not just one.
Follow the original code:
from paramiko import SSHClient
import paramiko
class SSH:
def __init__(self):
self.ssh = SSHClient()
def exec_cmd(self,cmd):
stdin,stdout,stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd)
if stderr.channel.recv_exit_status() != 0:
print stderr.read()
print stdout.read()
if __name__ == '__main__':
ssh = SSH()
ssh.exec_cmd("update image force http://firmware.tecnologia.ws/firmware/hpoa485.bin")
My question is the following: I tried to adapt the code to update a list, using Ubuntu commands, but no obitve success. Follows modified code:
from paramiko import SSHClient
import paramiko
import sys
class SSH:
def processar(ip):
def __init__(self):
self.ssh = SSHClient()
def exec_cmd(self,cmd):
stdin,stdout,stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd)
if stderr.channel.recv_exit_status() != 0:
print stderr.read()
print stdout.read()
if __name__ == '__main__':
ssh = SSH()
ssh.exec_cmd("update image force http://firmware.tecnologia.ws/firmware/hpoa485.bin")
if __name__ == "__main__":
for ip in sys.argv[1:]:
However, when I turn the wheel on the terminal cat lista.txt | xargs script.py
it returns me the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "update_oa_teste.py", line 24, in <module>
ssh.exec_cmd("update image force http://firmware.tecnologia.ws/firmware/hpoa485.bin")
AttributeError: SSH instance has no attribute 'exec_cmd'
Remembering that I created a file . txt in the same directory as the script, containing the list of servers on which I want to run the script’s SSH command.
Help me out, please.
Thank you!!
You know the Fabric Library?
– Woss
Could you put the code with the correct indentation in the question? Incorrect indentation may be the cause of the error.
– Pagotti
By the way, you had already asked practically this in How to use this script for a server list? - Python
– Woss
Ansible, can change your life. Take a look. Have a great day.
– Davi Mello