How to join two results in a conditional query


Viewed 37 times


Talk, you guys!

Would anyone know how to use a Union All on parole?


DECLARE @cond INT = 1

SELECT * FROM table1
IF(@cond = 1)
   SELECT * FROM table2

The idea is this but that way it doesn’t work. How could I join the table only if the condition were true?

It needs to be in this context because I have several tables that will be chosen by the user, so it could be: t1, t1+t2, t1+T3, t1+T3, t2+T3+T5, ...

1 answer


If you already use the variable declaration structure, you will have no problem/constraints. The idea is to create a variable to concatenate the union (according to its validation) and then run:

DECLARE @cond INT = 1

SELECT @sql = 'SELECT * FROM table1'

IF(@cond = 1)
   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM table2'

EXEC @sql
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  • Thanks for the help but I solved the problem by creating a temporary table, so I can select if the condition is true and I put the results in this table, at the end I have all the results in a single select. Thank you.

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