Inaccessible link on IIS


Viewed 96 times


I’m making a C# application using the MVC standard. It uses a Google Firebase database.

Running this application by Visual Studio debugger works normally, but when trying to publish it in localhost, through the IIS manager, the application gives connection error with the host server, and both runs are on the same computer and same network and I’ve checked some firewall settings on the computer and on iis, but not the result.

Give this print message below:Imagem execução do aplicativo

public ActionResult GetMenuPrincipal()
    FirebaseDB firebaseDB = new FirebaseDB("https://link-firebase/");
    FirebaseDB firebaseDB1 = firebaseDB.Node("Projects");
    List<ProjectModel> projectModels = 

    return PartialView(projectModels);

  • 3

    Come on, first the error says that an IP server x.x.x.x:443 took a long time to respond, so , where is the code that accesses that IP ? Two replace @{ Html... } with @Html...

  • 1

    If you are running on a cloud (Google Cloud, AWS), check to see if the firewall is allowing access to the IP from where you are running.

  • @Marcos Brinner, follow the code, I’m using methods that treat firebase as api Rest, same link implementation [link( 'public Actionresult Getmenuprincipal() { Firebasedb firebaseDB = new Firebasedb("https://link-firebase/"); Firebasedb firebaseDB1 = firebaseDB.Node("Projects"); List<Projectmodel> projectModels = Jsonconvert.Deserializeobject<List<Projectmodel>>(firebaseDB1.Get().Jsoncontent); Partialview(projectModels); }'

  • @answer1 I checked the windows firewall for programs, I did not check ip rules, however I believe it has no restriction, since the visual studio runs smoothly.

  • @Leandrobuenodesouza can put his code in the question, in the comments not to see it

  • @Marcosbrinner, I inserted in the question, the rest of the implementation this according to the link of the penultimate comment

  • Well apparently your code is okay, all the answers here that I can give you will be kind of superfluous but they can help in some way. make sure the firebase server is not blocked when the ip of your pc, other thing, the settings in visual studio are different for the IIS can usually be some permission problem in the user of your IIS

  • check in IIS -> Application pools -> select pool -> Advance Settings.

  • and here you can see an explanation of how functional the IIS on local service and the Visaul Studio


  • @Marcosbrinner sorry it took a while to reply, I’ve been kind of busy these last few days, I couldn’t find where in the advanced settings the permission location on the user himself inside the iis, but I looked and the application folder and its files is with permission in the user running the application, including write permission.

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