Detect mobile phone shake in Javascript


Viewed 48 times


Hello, I have a question, I have a small Mobile Internet provider and I create create a game in html and javascript that the user to shake the phone can receive letters that later can exchange for Internet. I already know how to capture cell phone movement:

window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", handleOrientation, true);
    function handleOrientation(event) {
        var absolute = event.absolute;
        var alpha    = event.alpha;
        var beta     = event.beta;
        var gamma    = event.gamma;

But I don’t know how to really develop the algorithm that detects the shake up and down of the device and ignore the rest of the moves! Can someone help me?

1 answer


Friend, see if this example below helps you.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    //Ler evento Chacoalhar
    var shakeEvent = new Shake({threshold: 15});
    window.addEventListener('shake', function(){
    }, false);

    //Parar Evento Chacoalhar
    function stopShake(){

    //Verifique se o agitar é suportado ou não.
    if(!("ondevicemotion" in window)){alert("Não suportado.");}

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