Hide Input Email


Viewed 61 times


Personal the input value of my form that I need to hide for users is the: e-mail. It will be an alternative email_entry to identify bots

I need to make this entry from e-mail hidden to real users and visible only to bots.

Someone here has been through this and can give me a light?

The code is as follows::

<input id="mauticform_input_formpoupopthriveleadssitedominiotemporario_email_alternativo" name="mauticform[email_alternativo]" value="" class="mauticform-input" type="email" />

  • Depends on the bot. Maybe with visible: hidden or opacity: 0

1 answer


Use Hidden like this

<input type="hidden" name="" value="">

Or it could be

<input type="email" hidden value="" name="">

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