List of Figures formed by name+number


Viewed 642 times


I used the model risethesis for the creation of my dissertation, but it does not suit abnt as to the lists (figures, tables...).

For example, the list of figures is being presented as:

1 Legenda1 .............. 34
2 Legenda2 .............. 35

(actually appeared listed by chapters (e.g.: 1.1, 2.1) but this I have already adjusted).

And I need you to be named as:

Figura 1 - Legenda1 ................34
Figura 2 - Legenda2 ................35

1 answer


Try using this command in the preamble (original code):

% para figuras
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figura. } % coloca antes do número
\renewcommand{\cftfigaftersnum}{: }  % coloca depois do número
% ajusta o espaçamento

It also reads in these two articles of Tex Stackexchange (in English), that the doubt clarified is the same

By the way, you know the Abntex? With it you can make documents in Latex already formatted in ABNT standards.

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