Good evening Guys, this is my first question here on the forum, so sorry if it doesn’t formulate in the best way.
The problem I’m facing is applying the css effect :Hover to all sibling or child elements (may vary). Next, I will by means of an image, display the generated DOM to clarify better.
So, as I said, the need is to apply the effect on the children of ". t-body-Row", which are all these ". t-body-col" without affecting the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc...
I was trying to apply to all the brothers of ". t-body-col:Hover" but I was able to come up with a code that would satisfy my need.
I did several tests, all without success.
Applying only ". t-body-Row:Hover{ background: #ccc}" the effect is passed on to the whole ". t-body-Row" in question, however I need to divide the effect, not allowing it to be passed on to others.
Ps.: It would solve my problem if it managed to apply :Hover on all direct siblings of ". t-body-col" in case any of them are over :Hover.
Thanks for your attention. Very Obg
If I understand correctly:
.t-body-row:hover > .t-body-col { background: #ccc}
– Bacco
In this case it propagates the Hover effect to the others... What I need is that when the mouse comes on t.body-col all the brothers get the different background
– Italo Brito
What I did there in the example is exactly what you described. When doing Hover in t-body-Row, the t-body-col DENTRO in this t-body-Row get bg different, but if that’s not what you want, it would be nice for an image in your post demonstrating how it was meant to look
– Bacco