How to make a parallel system call in python?


Viewed 527 times


I’m looking to run a program parallel to mine, in case it’s called, it must run independent of my main execution, but should be called in the same. I thought of making systems call and am using the subprocess, as in the example below:

 path = '/home/prisvo/view_admin/backend/update_article/'         
 process =['python', path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

However, I want to continue with the execution of the code normally, the execution of the it takes a while, but I can’t wait for the execution. Is there any function of the Subprocess or another library that can do this.

1 answer


You can use threads to execute processes in pararelo.

I will put here the simplest example depending on the code you provided:

import threading
import time # por motivos de demonstracao

def download(): # codigo relativo ao download
    # path = '/home/prisvo/view_admin/backend/update_article/'         
    # process =['python', path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    time.sleep(5) # so por demo
    print('download acabou')

threading.Thread(target=download).start() # iniciar o processo em paralelo
# continuar o resto da logica
print('aqui o codigo continua')
print('aqui tambem')
print('e aqui também')


Note: in this example I do not expect any feedback from function download, if I had to work on something that could return from the function I would have to structure it a little differently (queue, example)

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