Google Maps does not work (after posting to google play)


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When the apk signed in Google Play, Google maps does not work, I already put the key in the google_maps_api both debug and release as it says in this tutorial: Google Maps does not work after Gero APK Signed for Google Play but it still didn’t work, someone knows the reason why?

I have my key normally:

<string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">minha chave</string>

The same is true in debug as in release...

  • Hello @Samuel, can you put the code you already have? It will be easier to help. Take the opportunity to do the Tour to better understand the functioning of website.

  • <string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false"> My key </string>

  • Edit your question and put your code there.

  • @Joãomartins any idea of what it is, see this link:, I did the same but did not solve...

  • Solved, the SHA1 that was in googleApis was not the same as my signature key, I used the command in the terminal in the java bin folder: keytool -list -v -Keystore nameserver and put the correct Sha1.

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