Instead of using the direct path from the PC, creates a folder at the root of the project called "Sounds" all sounds that will use in the application you play it.
When using the sound you search as follows:
//Monta o caminho dos sons
var caminhoSons = Application.StartupPath + @"\Sons";
//Valida se a pasta existe
if (!Directory.Exists(caminhoSons))
//Se não existir cria a pasta na raiz do projeto
//Pega o som especifico
var musica1 = caminhoSons + @"\Musica.Mp3";
The command Application.StartupPath
get the folder where your project is running, then it can be on any PC, even on a Pen Drive (E:,F:) that it will get the correct project path, and then having the sounds folder inside the project folder will always find the right one.
Sensational! It worked perfectly here! Very grateful
– Matheus Barros