Function to get text value from a accessed URL


Viewed 39 times


I tried to create a small function:

            var value0;
            $.get( "file.php?id=1", function(data){
                value0 = data;

            var value1;
            $.get( "file.php?id=2", function(data){
                value1 = data;

            var value2;
            $.get( "file.php?id=3", function(data){
                value2 = data;

        function buyVps(){
            var vpsDetails='Processor : '+arrayProcessor[sliderValue]+' GHZ'+'\nRAM : '+arrayRam[sliderValue]+' MB'+'\nRAID Storage : '+arrayStorage[sliderValue]+' GB'+'\nMySql Databases : '+arrayMySqlDB[sliderValue]+' GB'+'\nMonthly Price : '+'R$ '+arrayAmount[sliderValue];[arrayBlocks[sliderValue]], '_blank');

I need it to take the value that is returned when the URL is accessed. It is not in JSON, it returns in plain text, only a value like for example: 79.90

I need it that way, using the arrayAmount[0]=, because it is part of another function.

How should I adjust the script?

  • If it is to return a simple text as you said, pq then is passing parameters in the url, id and periodicity?

  • These parameters are to return the correct plan value, each plane has a different ID. The return is only text.

  • If you give a console.log(data); you return what?

  • @sam... Yeah, I noticed he always returns Undefined, not the value.

  • Hmm, I don’t really know how it should be done... if you can show me some tutorial where I can better inform myself I appreciate.

  • I updated the question with the rest of the function.

  • This url you search for your plain text is an API?

  • The bid is to use the variable inside Ajax:

  • @sam... The problem is that there are several arrayAmount: arrayAmount[0],arrayAmount[1],arrayAmount[2] and each with different parameters in the URL, so there would be no way I could put directly in the function that prints the value in HTML.

  • @Pedropaulo... yes

  • But then you play as a function parameter whatever is different. Well at first this is it, Ajax will fetch on another page the information, and this can take from fractions of seconds to a few seconds, so you have to build the code that fits into this.

  • @sam... I did a test using your tip, continued giving Undefined.

  • The data only has value inside the Ajax callback. Outside is Undefined.

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1 answer


Follow an idea of how I would do:

var arrayAmount = Array();

    // quando o documento estiver ok, buscar os dados no servidor

function buscarNoServidor(){
    $.get( "http://localhost/2018/buscar_valor.php?id=48&periodicidade=monthly", function(data){
        arrayAmount[0] = data;

        // ao receber os dados, chamar as demais funções

// só chamar esta função, quando tiver resposta do servidor
function buyVps(){
    var vpsDetails='Processor : '+arrayProcessor[sliderValue]+' GHZ'+'\nRAM : '+arrayRam[sliderValue]+' MB'+'\nRAID Storage : '+arrayStorage[sliderValue]+' GB'+'\nMySql Databases : '+arrayMySqlDB[sliderValue]+' GB'+'\nMonthly Price : '+'R$ '+arrayAmount[sliderValue];[arrayBlocks[sliderValue]], '_blank');

Obviously you will adapt to your need, but the idea is that you can only use the value after you have the server response.

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