Error when building a project in React-Native


Viewed 137 times


Good evening, I’m having the following error when buildar with React-Native (image).

I am using windows 7, managed the project using React-Native init from --version 0.55.4

then I went to the project folder and I circled React-Native run-android. And I can’t run it. I’m building it directly on mobile because android studio is very heavy and I’ve done a project in a similar way and it worked. Can someone help me, please?inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I took a crack at her doubt and there is a similar question from her in Stackoverflow in English. This is the link.

Summarizing and sort of translating, your project’s PATH when it comes to executing certain tasks, has become too big for processing.


  • C: Asdasdasd asdasd asdasdasd asdasdassdz < Project > < Tons of Subfolders >

Try changing to something like:

  • C: Workspace < Project > or C: < Project >

That, according to community response, is solvable to your problem.

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