Error in this page script


Viewed 381 times


I am trying to start C# studies with visual studio, but when I run the code the following error occursinserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’ve looked into what happened but I can’t find out why this is happening

  • Avoid placing images of your code. Put your own formatted code in your question.

  • It seems to me that this is related to Visual Studio and not your code. This error always occurs when you try to run the code?

  • Yes, it occurs and the code does not execute. I also think it is something related to visual studio, but I have no idea what it is. I’ve searched in several places but only find this error message linked to Internet Explorer

  • @Joãomartins in this case the problem is not exactly in the code but in something that I may not have done for the visual studio to work in the right way. It would be very difficult to explain in this case that the error is not of the code without an image, but I still thank you for the advice.

  • Reinstall or update your visual studio, the problem should stop happening.

1 answer


Disable this option here in your VS:

Tools > Options > Debugging > General > Enable Diagnostic Tools

This solution is palliative, the ideal is to upgrade IE to version 11.

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