Why am I having trouble with C-scanf?


Viewed 53 times


Hi, I’m trying to do a very basic cmd, but I’m having problems...

My code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char arg[300];

    scanf("print '%s'", arg);
    printf("%s", arg);

    return 0;

So I went to test:

entrada: print 'hello world'
saída: hello //não coloca o que eu queria

But what I wanted was:

entrada: print 'hello world'
saída: hello world

Can someone explain to me what’s going on?

2 answers


It turns out that scanf reads the string until it finds a space, so its output will be only the corresponding characters before the scanf find a space, like saida: hello.

To read a string that contains blank spaces, I recommend that you use the command fgets(var, size_var, stdin) in C.

int main(void) {
    char arg[300];

    printf("print "); 
    fgets(arg, 300, stdin); //realiza a leitura de uma string com espaços
    printf("%s", arg);


    return 0;

Now your exit should be hello world.

I hope I’ve helped.


Because the %s reads a word. This means that the white space between the hello and the world is one of the things that makes him stop reading.

Use %[^']s instead. This [^'] means something more or less like "read while not finding a character '".

See here working on ideone.

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