I have a table, which I enclose the data dynamically in a table. I include in this way, I include in the first column the checkbox:
$("#tablepesquisaprodutos").append("<tr class='item'>"
+ "<td>" + "<input type='checkbox' class='link-check' />" + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + CodigoProduto + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + DescricaoProduto + "</td>"
+ "</tr>")
It works perfectly, but I need that when checking the checkbox, I can delete or edit the line (opening a modal with the line data), how can I do? Delete I can by a button, I do it that way:
$(function () {
$(document).on('click', '.link-excluir', function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // isso aqui impede do '#' fazer o link pular
var $el = $(this);
$el.closest("tr").fadeOut(500, function () {
Only in case I have the link to delete on the line, I need to select the line, and then click the action button, or delete or change.
is not good for you? Inside just check if it is checked or not and make appear/ disappear– Máttheus Spoo
If you want to open a fashion, there are several examples here on the site, like this: how to open jquery modal, or that: edit fields in modal. Now an easier way and make the
editable, just change your code to+ "<td contenteditable='true'>" +
and it will be possible to edit the direct value inTD
, what you think?– Ricardo Pontual
@Máttheusspoo I wanted that when selecting it click on the button or to change or to delete, I think that with the change would not work.
– Mariana
@Ricardopunctual the idea is good, however I need q it select to then click the delete or change button
– Mariana
In this case, you can add the attribute
by clicking the change button or checking the checkbox, and the eventblur
remove the attribute :)– Ricardo Pontual
@Ricardopunctual but I didn’t understand how to do it. I will select the checkbox of the row I want to delete or change, how can I take the value of this row, and when clicking the delete button, and the change button, open the modal with the data.
– Mariana
But you want to edit directly in the table as I suggested or you want to open the modal?
– Ricardo Pontual
I want to edit by opening the modal. I already do this with a link in each row, but instead of having the link, I want to have the checkbox, select, and then yes, I click a button from outside the table to perform desired action
– Mariana
@Ricardopunctual I managed to delete, now as I can by clicking on the checkbox, and clicking on the edit button, open the modal with table information ?
– Mariana