Good morning, you guys,
I have done several researches on the subject and found nothing that refers to my environment. Come on, I have a Portal Captive
in the company but I have two domains in the AD
, the system of Captive Portal
cannot differentiate from which domain each user is, it is necessary to log in to @dominio. As a solution I put in the site of authentication of the Portal a checkbox for the person to choose the domain, but I am not able to include the two information in the user, I would like it to be transparent the inclusion of the domain. For example, when the person chooses the domain, the domain itself HTML
put the information in the login field, user@domain.
Follows the HTML
with the checkbox attempt:
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<title>Bem vindo ao Portal Guest</title>
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<!-- Header -->
<header id="header">
<h1>Bem Vindo</h1>
<p>Para acesso a rede Wifi Guest, por favor fazer login<br /> </p>
<font size="4">Selecione sua unidade</font><br/> </p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var elementoPaises = document.getElementById('paises')
var paisesElegidos = []
function elegirPais(element){
if (element.checked) {
paisesElegidos.splice( paisesElegidos.indexOf( element.value ), 1 )
elementoPaises.innerHTML = paisesElegidos.join(', ')
<!-- Signup Form -->
<form method="post" action="$PORTAL_ACTION$">
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice1"
name="unidade" value="@dominioX">
<label for="contactChoice1">Unid I, III ou IV</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice2"
name="unidade" value="@dominioY">
<label for="contactChoice2">Unid II</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice3"
name="unidade" value="@dominioX">
<label for="contactChoice3">Visitante</label>
<! -- <input type="hidden" name="pegardados" id="pegardados" value=""> -->
<input style=width:320px name="auth_user" id="auth_user" type="text" placeholder="Usuario" required> <br>
<input style=width:320px name="auth_pass" type="password" placeholder="Senha" required> <br>
<!--<input name="auth_voucher" type="text"> -->
<input name="redirurl" type="hidden" value="$PORTAL_REDIRURL$">
<input name="zone" type="hidden" value="$PORTAL_ZONE$">
<input name="accept" type="submit" value="Entrar" onclick="concatenar()">
<script src="assets/js/main.js"></script>
You either put the "@dom" inside the input field, or you go by type: "
@gift" with the text outside the input (would be input with the text that will change on the right side for example)– hugocsl
I want the domain information to come from the checkbox, and transparently include in the user field.
– Alan
Transparent? How so transparent??
– LeAndrade
The client (user) selects the domain in the checkbox and then puts the user and password, the selected domain is hidden to the client, and through the code he would do it cliente@dominioY
– Alan