Loop repeat jquery


Viewed 1,413 times


Guys, I’m having a problem and I still can’t find a solution, I’m still new to jquery, I’d like a little help, please. In the code below I have a procedure to call a dialog, which will be loaded with a table filled with php. This table has an input text field for search and all the lines have a checkbox, for when selected and the button pressed, the name is sent to the previous page. Everything is working perfectly, but I have to repeat the code 3 times, if you want to use in 3 different fields. I wonder how I can pass the id of the clicked button and from it do an if and execute the procedure. It should be something simple, but I haven’t yet. Thank you

                $("#buttonP1").click(function() {getValueUsingClass1();});
                $("#buttonP2").click(function() {getValueUsingClass2();});
                $("#buttonP3").click(function() {getValueUsingClass3();});
                function getValueUsingClass1(){
                /* declare an checkbox array */
                var chkArray = [];
                /* look for all checkboes that have a class 'chk' attached to it and check if it was checked */
                $(".chk:checked").each(function() {
                var teste = $(this).id;
                /* we join the array separated by the comma */
                var selected;
                selected = chkArray.join('') + "";

                /* check if there is selected checkboxes, by default the length is 1 as it contains one single comma */
                if(selected.length > 1){
                    if(chkArray.length > 1){
                    alert("Selecione um campo");
                    alert("Nenhuma dado selecionado");  
                function getValueUsingClass2(){
                /* declare an checkbox array */
                var chkArray = [];

                /* look for all checkboes that have a class 'chk' attached to it and check if it was checked */
                $(".chk:checked").each(function() {

                /* we join the array separated by the comma */
                var selected;
                selected = chkArray.join('') + "";

                /* check if there is selected checkboxes, by default the length is 1 as it contains one single comma */
                if(selected.length > 1){
                    if(chkArray.length > 1){
                    alert("Selecione um campo");
                    alert("Nenhuma dado selecionado");  
                function getValueUsingClass3(){
                /* declare an checkbox array */
                var chkArray = [];

                /* look for all checkboes that have a class 'chk' attached to it and check if it was checked */
                $(".chk:checked").each(function() {

                /* we join the array separated by the comma */
                var selected;
                selected = chkArray.join('') + "";

                /* check if there is selected checkboxes, by default the length is 1 as it contains one single comma */
                if(selected.length > 1){
                    if(chkArray.length > 1){
                    alert("Selecione um campo");
                    alert("Nenhuma dado selecionado");  
            $(function() {
                $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog({
                resizable: false,
                  modal: true,
                  autoOpen: false,
                  open: function(event, ui) {  


                $( "#openerP1" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog( "open" );

                $( "#buttonP1" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog( "close" );

            $(function() {
                $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog({
                resizable: false,
                  modal: true,
                  autoOpen: false,
                  open: function(event, ui) {  


                $( "#openerP2" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog( "open" );
                $( "#buttonP2" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog( "close" );

            $(function() {
                $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog({
                resizable: false,
                  modal: true,
                  autoOpen: false,
                  open: function(event, ui) {  


                $( "#openerP3" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog( "open" );
                $( "#buttonP3" ).click(function() {
                  $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog( "close" );

2 answers


Have you ever tested the jQuery selector by class? You can define specific names of the classes you want to have the functions attached and use them as selector, see:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#buttonP1").click(function () { getValueUsingClass("TP_ACO_P"); });
    $("#buttonP2").click(function () { getValueUsingClass("ACAB_P"); });
    $("#buttonP3").click(function () { getValueUsingClass("TT_P"); });

    function getValueUsingClass(id) {
        /* declare an checkbox array */
        var chkArray = [];
        /* look for all checkboes that have a class 'chk' attached to it and check if it was checked */
        $(".chk:checked").each(function () {
        var teste = $(this).id;
        /* we join the array separated by the comma */
        var selected;
        selected = chkArray.join('') + "";

        /* check if there is selected checkboxes, by default the length is 1 as it contains one single comma */
        if (selected.length > 1) {
            if (chkArray.length > 1) {
                alert("Selecione um campo");
                $('input[id=' + id + ']').val("");
            } else {
                $('input[id=' + id + ']').val(selected);
        } else {
            alert("Nenhuma dado selecionado");

    $(function () {
            resizable: false,
            height: 400,
            width: 500,
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            open: function (event, ui) {

        $(".opener").click(function () {
            $('input:checkbox').attr('checked', false);

        $(".button").click(function () {

Maybe this isn’t the answer, but it can lead you to her.

  • Thank you for the answer, it’s working properly now.


I wonder how I can pass the id of the button clicked and from it make an if and execute the procedure.

Use a class on your buttons. Example: class buttons. You will only need to call him once and will pass his id to the function (a function only).

    $(".botao").click(function() {

    function getValueUsingClass(idBotao){
        var chkArray = [];

        $(".chk:checked").each(function() {


        var selected;
        selected = chkArray.join('') + "";

        if(selected.length > 1){
            if(chkArray.length > 1){
            alert("Selecione um campo");
            alert("Nenhuma dado selecionado");  

    $(function() {
        $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog({
            resizable: false,
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            open: function(event, ui) {  

        $( "#openerP1" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog( "open" );

        $( "#buttonP1" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP1" ).dialog( "close" );


    $(function() {
        $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog({
            resizable: false,
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            open: function(event, ui) {  

        $( "#openerP2" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog( "open" );
        $( "#buttonP2" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP2" ).dialog( "close" );


    $(function() {
        $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog({
            resizable: false,
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            open: function(event, ui) {  

        $( "#openerP3" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog( "open" );

        $( "#buttonP3" ).click(function() {
            $( "#dialogP3" ).dialog( "close" );

  • The question of if I didn’t understand very well. You can try to be clearer for me to implement the answer?

  • Thank you for the answer, it’s working properly.

  • Just one more question, I can do it for the dialogs too?

  • Whoa, I got it, thanks

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