First of all, I’m asking this out of sheer curiosity, there’s no real application where that would be useful (or has it? I don’t know).
I know that it is possible to make a function return another function, and that the returned function can be a parameter, i.e..
function a(b) {
return b();
Then, if I pass a function within the "a" function, it returns the function that was used as a parameter after its execution. Exemplifying again:
function foo() {
return 'bar';
console.log(a(foo)); // printa 'bar'
So far, so good.
However, and when I try to invoke the function itself a
within itself?
a(a); // erro
I tried, and the answer is a mistake stating b is not a function
I wanted to understand how/why this happens. In my head it should enter an infinite processing cycle, and lock, or something like that. I missed something?
What you intend to do is called recursion. There are dozens of questions on the subject and one of them will help you is: https://answall.com/questions/202514/fun%C3%A7%C3%B5es-recursivas-em-javascript
– Theotonio
the name "a" is generating confusion, if associating to another variable should work:
var x = a;
– Ricardo Pontual
Theotonio, I understand the concept of recursion, but in this case, recursion invokes a function declared within itself. In this case, the function would invoke another eternal function to the scope of the original function. No different?
– Máttheus Spoo