Feed a list with txt file data


Viewed 72 times


Hello, good morning, good morning!! staff need help!

I have the following list created in html, it is not complete, just for you to understand.

<ul class="lista">											
	    <li>$ Inicial:</li> 
	    <li>$ Atual: </li>
	    <li>$ Financ: </li>
	    <li>% Neil: </li> 

and I have in JS this( I took in a tutorial, and I think this is what I need

var numsList = [];
$.ajax( 'Input.txt', {
    dataType: 'text',
    success: function(response){
        //response é o conteudo do Input.txt
        var lines = response.split('\n'); //quebra o arquivo em linhas, 
        for(var i in lines){
            var row = lines[i];
            var nums = row.split(','); //quebra a linha em valores separdos por virgula
            for(var j in nums){
                var num = parseInt(nums[j]); //converte o valor para int
                if( !isNaN(num) ) //basicamente verifica se é um numero
                    numsList.push(num); //adiciona o item no array


I also have a txt(Input.txt) file with some information separated by comma.

What I want is to feed the list with the txt file information, but put them in the correct position

for example

I have the first item on the list Datatime: and inside it I want to put the first item of the txt file

but I don’t know how to call JS in HTML.

From now on Thank you.

  • It would be much simpler to use a file in the format JSON, then you wouldn’t worry about picking commas, breaking in lines, etc... If you use Json, from the line success down, nothing that is there would be needed.

  • right! and you know how to put it on the list ?

  • The problem Lila that I think you are new in the area right?! Would you know adapt to your code there? Here by the site there is no way to do Ajax.

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