Initial SQL to list clients (PF and PJ). How to migrate a pure SQL Query to Laravel Eloquent?


Viewed 83 times


I set up an initial SQL to pull the data. It’s working in pure SQL. I need to migrate this code to Laravel’s eloquent pattern. Can anyone help me? Thank you!

Follow the example SQL:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


SELECT c.cod_cliente, p.cpf, p.nome, ct_mpf.cod_contrato_pessoa_fisica_plano, ct_mpf.numero_contrato_membro AS numero_contrato_membro_pf, pjc.cod_contrato_pessoa_juridica_plano, pjc.numero_contrato_membro AS numero_contrato_membro_pj, pj.razao_social,
    WHEN c.usufrui_de_um_contrato = 1 
            WHEN ct_mpf.vinculo = 1 THEN 'membro' 
            WHEN ct_mpf.vinculo = 2 THEN 'rf_membro' 
            WHEN ct_mpf.vinculo = 3 THEN 'rf'
            ELSE null
    WHEN c.usufrui_de_um_contrato = 2 
            WHEN pjc.vinculo = 1 THEN 'membro' 
            WHEN pjc.vinculo = 2 THEN 'submembro'
            ELSE null
) AS vinculo
FROM pessoa AS p
LEFT JOIN clientes AS c ON c.cod_pessoa = p.cod_pessoa
LEFT JOIN pessoa_fisica AS pf ON pf.cod_cliente = c.cod_cliente
    SELECT ctpf.cod_pessoa_fisica AS pf_do_contrato, m.cod_pessoa_fisica AS pf_do_membro, ctpf.cod_contrato_pessoa_fisica_plano, m.numero_contrato_membro, m.vinculo
    FROM contratos_pessoa_fisica_planos AS ctpf
    INNER JOIN membros AS m
    ON ctpf.cod_contrato_pessoa_fisica_plano = m.cod_contrato_pessoa_fisica_plano
    WHERE ctpf.status = 1 AND m.status = 1
    ORDER BY ctpf.created_at DESC
) AS ct_mpf ON ct_mpf.pf_do_contrato = pf.cod_pessoa_fisica AND ct_mpf.pf_do_membro = pf.cod_pessoa_fisica
LEFT JOIN pessoa_juridica_clientes AS pjc ON pjc.cod_cliente = c.cod_cliente
LEFT JOIN pessoa_juridica AS pj ON pj.cod_pessoa_juridica = pjc.cod_pessoa_juridica
WHERE p.cpf = 12345 OR p.nome LIKE '%JOSUE%
  • What have you ever tried to do?

  • Have you created Models for person, customers, personal, etc? The first step will be to create these models, with their respective relationships (See the official documentation: Then you can do the treatment you need in a Controller. There are more direct ways to do these searches using Eloquent, but if you want, you also have the possibility to execute an sql code directly through the "Raw Methods" ( Take a look at this link too: Hugs!

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