How to do version control with Gitlab?


Viewed 611 times



I have a local folder (on my machine) with all folders and files various projects.

For some indications, I chose the Gitlab because I need to keep private projects.


  • There is a tool for "synchronize" all this structure of mine?
    • That tool would make version control?
  • If not, there is another way or there is no possibility?

I appreciate any other important tips about Gitlab.

  • Version control is git, Gitlab is just a software repository manager (or programs) that is based on git.

  • @Joãopedroschmitz so I should use a git tool?

  • Thus, you will use git commands to control the versions of your code and in a very simple way, you will "play", or rather, upload your code to Gitlab, for example, where it will be saved. Take a look at this course,, it’s free and very good. It’ll teach you plenty.

  • @Joãopedroschmitz opa cara! Bom demais! I will see this course. I believe that instead of Gitlab, it’s Github, so it’s pretty much the same concept for git and the rest, right!?

  • That’s right, instead of Gitlab it’s Github, but the idea behind it is the same. The important thing is to learn the git commands, which nowadays is almost a prerequisite.

1 answer


Gitlab already offers version control service

Maybe you’re new to Git and that’s why you’re confusing things, so I suggest you go through Git Quick and Basic Guide.

In short, Git is the software you install locally to control versions of your files locally. Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket, and other services offer a Git repository in the cloud for you to mirror your local repository, along with other cool tools for you to organize and share your work.

To simplify, if you are on a solo job, your day-to-day procedure is to change your code-source in your favorite editor and run git commands to update your local repository and then other git commands to send these changes to the cloud service you chose.

There are several options of graphic tools that you can use to run git commands if you don’t want to do this per command line. Some Ides already have Git integration as well.

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