Program only works once


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Talk guys, I’m uncrossing python and I’m putting together a simple program that will gradually divide the modules, add treatments etc... The problem is this: in the code below, the program only works once. I create the user and at the end it shows me that the user was created and the key:value and calls the start function, but when I select a new option, the program simply ends. Could someone give me a hint?

    # cadastar usuario 
    # login
    # sair do sistema
    # mostar tela
    # mostar dados do usuario

    import sys
    bd = {}

    def cadastar_usuario (user = 0, pwd = 0):
      usuario = input("Por favor, digite um nome de usuário: ")
      senha = input("Digite uma senha: ")
      bd.update({usuario: senha})
      print("Usuario cadastrado com sucesso! \n ", bd, "\n\n")

    def entrar():
      print("Usuario entrou")

    def mostrar_dados():
      print("Mostrando dados")

    def sair():
      print("Até a proxima")
      # sys.exit()

    def inicio():
      select = int(input("Escolha uma opcao: \n"
      "1 - Cadastrar usuario \n"
      "2 - Entrar \n"
      "3 - Mostrar dados de usuarios \n"
      "4 - Sair do sistema \n"))
      return select
    opcao = {1:cadastar_usuario, 2:entrar, 3:mostrar_dados, 4:sair}
  • Shouldn’t have a noose to call the function inicio() until you type 4 to get out?

  • Yes, I’m going to implement it, but even without the loop, because I’m following the pathways for it not to end, it should work, right? For example, if I select option 1, then type in a user and password, it displays and calls the start function, because when I choose another option, or even 1 again it ends? Or I’m wrong and that’s just missing the loop?

1 answer


What happens is simple within your registration function you call the start function which returns the value of select for nothing. As it was the so-called option in the last line of your code that triggered these calls it will return from this line, which results in the completion of the program.

# cadastar usuario 
# login
# sair do sistema
# mostar tela
# mostar dados do usuario

import sys
bd = {}

opcao = {1:cadastar_usuario, 2:entrar, 3:mostrar_dados, 4:sair}

def cadastar_usuario (user = 0, pwd = 0):
  usuario = input("Por favor, digite um nome de usuário: ")
  senha = input("Digite uma senha: ")
  bd.update({usuario: senha})
  print("Usuario cadastrado com sucesso! \n ", bd, "\n\n")


def entrar():
  print("Usuario entrou")

def mostrar_dados():
  print("Mostrando dados")

def sair():
  print("Até a proxima")
  # sys.exit()

def inicio():
  select = int(input("Escolha uma opcao: \n"
  "1 - Cadastrar usuario \n"
  "2 - Entrar \n"
  "3 - Mostrar dados de usuarios \n"
  "4 - Sair do sistema \n"))
  return select


With these small changes your program should work. But I strongly advise creating a main loop that performs the input and calls the functions. A code this way will be completely problematic when performing future maintenance try to make things clearer.

  • Thanks Joannis, I will test here and study a little more to understand better. Thanks for the advice, I will improve. I’ve even implemented the loop.

  • If you can after testing put as correct I would appreciate it. Avoid these calls known as goto, you may end up creating an unwanted endless looping that will take hours to resolve.

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