Log4j in Tomcat application on AWS Beanstalk


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I have a multi tenant application developed in Java WEB (Spring) that uses log4j to log logs. Each tenant saves their log files in a specific folder, corresponding to the tenant of the logged-in user. To do so I use the following configuration:

log4j.appender.<tenant> =org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.<tenant>.layout.ConversionPattern=%-2d{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm};%m%n

It has been working well, however the need to migrate the system to AWS Beanstalk has arisen. I was researching if this scheme would be possible to implement there, but I remained some doubts.

It is possible save log files and perform reading using only log4j in AWS Beanstalk, If so, which way I should set out, I ask for guidance in this regard. If it is not possible, how do you usually do this kind of work?

From now on, thank you.

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