I need the name of the package to appear in the history table but the id_package is appearing


Viewed 40 times


public List<HistoricoViagem> ObterTodosParaJSON(string start, string length)
        List<HistoricoViagem> historicoViagens = new List<HistoricoViagem>();
        SqlCommand command = new Conexao().ObterConexao();
        command.CommandText = @"SELECT hv.id, p.id, hv.id_pacote, hv.data_, p.nome FROM historico_de_viagens hv
        INNER JOIN pacotes p ON (p.id_pacote = hv.id_pacote)";
        DataTable tabela = new DataTable();
        foreach (DataRow linha in tabela.Rows)
            HistoricoViagem historicoViagem = new HistoricoViagem()
                Id = Convert.ToInt32(linha[0].ToString()),
                IdPacote = Convert.ToInt32(linha[2].ToString()),
                Data = Convert.ToDateTime(linha[3].ToString()),
                Pacote = new Pacote()
                    Id = Convert.ToInt32(linha[1].ToString()),
                    Nome = linha[4].ToString()

        return historicoViagens;

This is the code where I need to bring the package name

$(function () {
    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,
    "ajax": "/Guia/ObterTodosPorJSON",
    "columns": [
        { "data": "Id" },
        { "data": "Nome" },
        { "data": "Sobrenome" },            
        { "data": "Cpf" },
        { "data": "Rank" }

that’s the table

  • And I need to win in mega sena hehehehe. You really need those objects as described in columns? And if you need to, why are you populating a completely different one? What exactly is your question?

  • use line["nomedacoluna"]

1 answer


Puts Alias in your select.

SELECT hv.id as "id do hv", p.id as "id do p", hv.id_pacote as "id do pacote",
       hv.data as "data", p.nome as "nome" 
FROM historico_de_viagens hv INNER JOIN pacotes p ON (p.id_pacote = hv.id_pacote)
  • 1

    Thank you ! everything worked out

  • You’re welcome! Glad to have helped.

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