Run function for multiple items in JS


Viewed 52 times


I have a function that is responsible for updating the values in some <div>, follows script:

file js.

window.onload = function makeRequest() {
    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
        if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
    }"GET", "_config/buscar_valor.php?id="+document.getElementsByName("cloud")[0].getAttribute("cloudid")+"&periodicidade=monthly", true); // true para asynchronous 

function calcPreco(preco) {
    preco = preco.replace(",", ".");
    preco -= document.getElementsByName("cloud")[0].getAttribute("desconto");
    document.getElementsByClassName("mostrar_valor").textContent = preco;

index php.

<div name="cloud" cloudid="1" desconto="5"> 
<span class="mostrar_valor"></span> 
<div name="cloud" cloudid="2" desconto="10"> 
<span class="mostrar_valor"></span> 
<div name="cloud" cloudid="3" desconto="15"> 
<span class="mostrar_valor"></span> 

Note that only attributes cloudid anddesconto are changed in each <div>, the rest remains the same.

The script will only do a calculation by looking for the value in "** lookup.php value **", using the attribute cloudid, which is the ID of each plan.

The attribute desconto is the value it subtracts from the account.

The problem is he’s doing it just for the first <div>, how can I make it work for all <div>?


window.onload = function calcPreco() {
for(const cloud of Array.from(document.getElementsByName("cloud"))) {
     .then(res => res.text())
     .then(preco => {
        preco -= cloud.getAttribute("desconto");
        const valor = cloud.querySelector(".mostrar_valor");  

1 answer


The problem is that you are only accessing the first div with the cloud attribute document.getElementsByName("cloud")[0]

In document.getElementsByName("cloud") you have a list of all the Divs, so you will need a loop to go through that list.


// aqui guarda todas as divs com o atributo cloud    
var cloud_divs = document.getElementsByName("cloud"); 

// agora vamos aceder uma a uma através do ciclo for
for(let i; i < cloud_divs.length; i++){

valor = cloud_divs[i].getAtribute("desconto");

// uma versão mais simplificada
for( el of document.getElementsByName("cloud")){
    valor = el.getAtribute("desconto");
  • @Iazyfox... Thanks for the reply, it was a friend of mine who put together this script, I don’t have much knowledge in the area yet. You can show me how this implementation would look in full code?

  • Which part of the code is struggling?

  • I don’t know how to implement these loops in the function, I don’t know how the script should look.

  • My answer clarifies your doubt. I don’t want to be rude but I think you should study a little more javascript and familiarize yourself with some concepts and mechanics of it. If I code here you will not learn anything. Anyway, here are some lights: Selecting elements from a page - Ciclo for

  • @Iazyfox... really researching I managed to do something. I managed to make it work another way, similar to the use, based on some searches, I just couldn’t get it to print the result in <span>, can you see what I did wrong? I updated the question.

  • I don’t have a computer with me, but right now all you have to do is enter the value in the span try it innerHTML or innerText, That is to say cloud.querySelector(".mostrar_valor").innerHTML = valorDesejado

  • Perfect, has how to convert this value to comma, since it will print with dot?

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