Removing unnecessary question mark from a String


Viewed 621 times


I have possible strings, where I would like to have a way to prevent unnecessary question marks and add if missing. However this function applies only at the end of the string. Follow the list below and the expected result:

Possible wrong strings:

  • How do you go to the bathroom????
  • Can I invest today? How much is the minimum amount
  • Can’t I do that? 'Cause????

Expected/correct result:

  • How do you go to the bathroom?
  • Can I invest today? How much is the minimum amount?
  • Can’t I do that? 'Cause?

I started the code and I already check if there is a question mark at the end of the string and add it if it doesn’t exist. In this case I check the last 3 characters to prevent cases like: I am alive?!

if "?" not in title[-3:]:
        title += "?"
  • I already check if the last 3 characters have any question mark, if not I add at the end of the string. Now, the rest is not yet.

  • By the way, will they always be questions? For example: "Can’t I do it today??? Okay." is not a valid entry in this case?

  • Will always be questions.

2 answers


Can use thus:

import re

print(re.sub('\\?+', '?', "Olá????"))

The \?+ search for question marks in sequence and exchange for '?'

Note: The \\ in front of the ? serves to escape the ? in regex

You may want to adapt to multiple types of points, such as:

import re

def remove_pontuacao_em_sequencia(str):
    return re.sub('([?!.,])+', '\\1', str)

print( remove_pontuacao_em_sequencia('Olá???') )
print( remove_pontuacao_em_sequencia('Olá!!!') )
print( remove_pontuacao_em_sequencia('Olá...') )
print( remove_pontuacao_em_sequencia('Olá,,,') )
  • 1

    Thanks man, you helped here. I added your answer in my case. Hugs

  • 2

    And then, could Mr. downvoter explain the downvote? I want to know where I can improve the answer or if the answer was at an inconvenient time. Don’t you worry, sir. downvoter, I am not the type who holds grudges, I will not return you downvotes, I do not give nor downvote to those who have already attacked me and cursed on the site, much less for someone disagree with my answers, so can manifest the will.


To add also at the end of string which does not have the question mark, you can use the regular expression:


Which basically captures any sequence of one or more question marks or the end of the line and can therefore be replaced by the single question mark.

import re

tests = [
    ('Como faz para ir ao banheiro????', 'Como faz para ir ao banheiro?'),
    ('Posso investir hoje? Quanto é o valor mínimo', 'Posso investir hoje? Quanto é o valor mínimo?'),
    ('Não posso fazer isso? Por que????', 'Não posso fazer isso? Por que?')

for test in tests:
    result = re.sub(r'(\?+|$)', '?', test[0])
    assert result == test[1]

If, by any chance, your string end in a score that is not a question mark, it will be somewhat strange the result:

print(re.sub(r'(\?+|$)', '?', 'teste!'))  # teste!?

If it is interesting to eliminate this final score, just add along to the $ in regular expression:


Where string.punctuation refers to the module string. In this case, the entry teste!!!,..;! viraria teste?.

import re
import string

tests = [
    ('Como faz para ir ao banheiro????', 'Como faz para ir ao banheiro?'),
    ('Posso investir hoje? Quanto é o valor mínimo!..,,', 'Posso investir hoje? Quanto é o valor mínimo?'),
    ('Não posso fazer isso? Por que????', 'Não posso fazer isso? Por que?'),
    ('teste!!!,..;!', 'teste?')

for test in tests:
    result = re.sub(f'(\\?+|[{string.punctuation}]+$)', '?', test[0])
    assert result == test[1]

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