What is the difference between Document.querySelector and getelementsbytagname?


Viewed 2,517 times


I would like to know the differences in the use of these two commands, because for min that I am at the beginning of the study very similar and even equal in some moments, but having different nomenclatures must have differences between the two.

1 answer


I’ll explain one by one and then the difference between them.

document.querySelector(): Returns only the first element with the properties CSS inserted as a parameter and can only be used in the scope of document. Example:

console.log("Retorna apenas o primeiro elemento que deu match:")
<table id="table-01">

<table id="table-02">

Element.getElementsByTagName(): It is a function of the class object who selects all elements contained in the object being used as a constructor. That is, it returns a collection of objects. Example:

var table1 = document.getElementById("table-01");

console.log("Retorna TODOS os td's dentro de document")

console.log("Retorna TODOS os td's dentro do objeto table1")
<table id="table-01">

<table id="table-02">

The difference is:

document.querySelector() returns only one object through a css selector. Element.getElementsByTagName() returns a collection of objects through the html tags.

If you want to use the document.querySelector() and return a collection, there is the command document.querySelectorAll() which receives the same parameter but returns collections.


https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getElementsByTagName https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelector https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelectorAll

  • Thank you very much for the explanation Leonardo!

  • @Brunosuarez helped himself, do not forget to mark as the correct answer !

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