One button click event


Viewed 1,997 times


Consider the following layout of a Activity:


Amending I:

Button mBotao = (Button) findViewById(;

mBotao.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        //Código aqui

Amendment II:

public void clickNoBotao () {

        //Código aqui


Amendment III:

public void clickNoBotao (View view) {

        //Código aqui


Amendment IV:

Button mBotao = (Button) findViewById(;

mBotao.setOnClick(new View.OnClick() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        //Código aqui

I wonder if these alternatives and the event code are in accordance with the code Linearlayout

1 answer


the alternatives presented only to I and III are valid.

The class Button uses an interface implementation View.Onclicklistener to inform that the button has been clicked.

This implementation must be associated with the button via the method setOnClickListener().

The SDK provides the possibility of the method onClick() of the interface can be indicated in the xml, through the attribute android:onClick, and implemented in Activity.

The method to be implemented must have the same signature as the interface method: public void onClick(View view).
That’s why the alternative II is not valid.
The name can be different, as long as it is the same as in xml.

The alternative IV is also not valid because the Button class has no method called setOnClick().

Related: Advantage and advantage between onClick and setOnClickListener.

  • From now on I thank you for the answer , and I am now learning this area of android , because I am php programmer and c#, thanks, and I will study this theme,.

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