Sql. table, organized date and time


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I have an sql table that will contain appointment, date and time. I keep the three based on ID. I have a question about the date and time

id = 0; data 28/08/2018 - 13:11h
id = 1; data 26/08/2018 - 17:10h
id = 2; data 25/08/2018 - 11:15h

I want to organize the table this way:

id = 0; data 25/08/2018 - 11:15h
id = 1; data 26/08/2018 - 17:10h
id = 2; data 28/08/2018 - 13:11h

Because when I schedule a time and a date, I might have a notion to set the next alarm based on id 0. I’m having trouble with this, because when I save a date and a time, I don’t know which to call

  • I didn’t understand your question... the time is not associated with a specific ID? How do you plan to organize times by different Ids?

  • Actually I wanted to put the dates in the DESC form on the table, so that the date would always be close to the current date, how to do this?

  • instead of changing the id, because you don’t create a field for exhibition order?

  • Could you exemplify? I’m having doubts about how to do this

1 answer


I believe you need an SQL query as you yourself described with DESC in the "date field":

SELECT * FROM nome_da_tabela ORDER BY data DESC

But from what I understand you want to update the line to change the ID according to the date, is that it? . If it is, I do not advise doing this directly in the database table but programmatically with a loop adding a new column and identifying the order (0,1,2,etc...), or even changing the business rule to use the query ordered by the date.

I hope it helps!

Hug, Herbert.

  • Changing the business rule, as I would SELECT in the table, always searching for the most current date, and turning into an integer?

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