Diff between two commits


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I’m making a git diff between two commits and in general it shows me the difference between the files that were modified in these commits.


git diff 1a1a1a 4d4d4d

+              Essa linha foi adicionada
-              Essa linha foi removidada

This works perfectly, and I have nothing to complain about. The point is that among these commits there are other commits! And it’s exactly them I want.


commit 1a1a1a
Author: Gabriel Hardoim

     Commit 1A

commit 2b2b2b
Author: Gabriel Hardoim

     Commit 2B      // Esse commit me interessa

commit 3c3c3c
Author: Gabriel Hardoim

     Commit 3C      // Esse também

commit 4d4d4d
Author: Gabriel Hardoim

     Commit 4D

With that in mind, how can I make a for each between the first and last commit? git has some command that can help me in this case?

1 answer


Use the .. between the commits:

git diff 1a1a1a..4d4d4d


git diff 1a1a1a^..4d4d4d

Whether to include initial commit differences 1a1a1a.

Without the .., you take only the differences between only the two commits and not all commits between them.

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