Reception Event 4.0 - Nfe Manifestation


Viewed 1,281 times


Good morning, everyone,

I’m trying to send a XML to the SEFAZ server on WebService RecepcaoEvento 4.0

link WebService:

Manual Link:

Follows XML sending:

<envEvento xmlns="" versao="4.00">
<evento versao="4.00">
<infEvento Id="ID210200[chavenfe]1">
<detEvento versao="1.00">
<descEvento>Confirmacao da Operacao</descEvento>
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></CanonicalizationMethod>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></SignatureMethod>
<Reference URI="#ID210200351805441458450002215500100131937313123542851">
<Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
<Transform Algorithm=""></Transform>
<DigestMethod Algorithm=""></DigestMethod>

Follows XML return from SEFAZ:

<retEnvEvento versao="1.00" xmlns="">
<xMotivo>2254 - Falha na validação de esquema Xml</xMotivo>

Can anyone tell me what I’m sending wrong?

1 answer


The version of envEvento and the event are still 1.00. Despite having this new URL, a new event Schema with the updated version was not available. This is why you are experiencing schema validation error. This version 1.00 is in schema as the only fill option in the version tag. I suggest including a schema validator before sending your XML to the recipe, so you can check consistency errors before you even hit the recipe.

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