How to install pipenv in Ubuntu 16.04 for python3


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I tried to install using apt-get install pipenv, apt install pipenv but I was unsuccessful.

1 answer


To solve the above problem, I first had to install the command pip, using sudo apt install python3-pip and subsequently sudo pip3 install pipenv

Documentation by Pipenv

  • 3

    Which is how it is quoted in documentation. Were you really having the problem or did you just post the question so you could answer it? You got confused.

  • Anyway I edited the answer to include your link @Andersoncarloswoss

  • @lazyFox "answer" :)

  • Exactly, who said otherwise? xd

  • 1

    @lazyFox sorry, is that I had entered the Delorean, but I’m back in the future now :)

  • 1

    Install things with PIP right into the system’s Python (that is, by doing sudo pip ... can be very dangerous for the system to remain stable and upgradeable and is discouraged. In particular if Pip installs a file that is then present in a package .deb system, this other package will not be able to be installed or updated. The above path should be used as last resource.

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