Good morning, I have two tables that have the column "st", when I pull the information comes from the table st "records", I would like to pull the "st" from the table "settings".
sql = "SELECT * FROM configuracao b LEFT JOIN dividas a on (b.registro = a.registro) and (b.empresa='" & Left(Combo1.Text, 2) & "') left JOIN registros r on (b.registro = r.registro) and (b.empresa='" & Left(Combo1.Text, 2) & "') ORDER BY r.data"
While Not (rsconf.EOF)
If (MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li - 1, 0) = Left(rsconf("data"), 4)) And (ln > 1) Then li = li - 1
If rsconf("registro") <> "" Then Text1.Text = rsconf("registro")
If rsconf("nome") <> "" Then Label4.Caption = Trim(rsconf("nome"))
If rsconf("dt_adm") <> "" Then Label5.Caption = data_Normal(rsconf("dt_adm"))
If rsconf("st") <> "" Then
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(ln, 2) = "PENDÊNCIA"
If rsconf("st") = "PA" Then MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(ln, 2) = "PARCELADO"
End If
If rsconf("dt_dem") <> "" Then Label7.Caption = data_Normal(rsconf("dt_dem"))
If rsconf("pag") <> "" Then
Label8.Caption = "NÃO"
If rsconf("pag") = "S" Then Label8.Caption = "SIM"
End If
v_dt = 0
If rsconf("data") <> "" Then v_dt = Mid(data_Normal(rsconf("data")), 4, 2)
Call encontra_mes
If rsconf("data") <> "" Then MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(ln, 0) = data_Normal(rsconf("data"))
If rsconf("valor") <> "" Then
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(ln, 1) = Format(rsconf("valor"), "#,##0.00")
If MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li, cn) = "" Then
MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li, cn) = Format(rsconf("valor"), "#,##0.00")
MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li, cn) = Format(CDbl(MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li, cn)) + CDbl(rsconf("valor")), "#,##0.00")
End If
v_ano = Left(rsconf("data"), 4)
MSFlexGrid2.TextMatrix(li, 0) = v_ano
End If
If rsconf("valor_divida") <> "" Then v_td = Format(rsconf("valor_divida"), "#,##0.00")
ln = ln + 1
li = li + 1
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = ln + 1
MSFlexGrid2.Rows = li + 1
Without seeing the query is very difficult to answer besides not knowing what has in each recordset, but in the query already tried to use
?– Ricardo Pontual
I thought I put the query, sorry ^^'
– Rodrigo Merce
You have the table structure to put?
– Tiedt Tech
"configuration" - > company/record/name/dt_adm/st/dt_dem/pag/usuario/dtu "records" -> company/record/date/value/user/dtu "divide" -> company/record/value_divide/user/dtu
– Rodrigo Merce
select *
will bring all the columns, the correct would be you correctly name the columns and only what you want, for exampleselect configuracao.st, configuracao.registro.. from
– Ricardo Pontual