I don’t have much experience in Angular and I have a problem that seems to be simple. I have a crud master detail, and at the item launch I have a dropdow of products from primeng
and after the selection I need it to update the field item.preco
based on product selection, i.e. produto.preco
. I tried several ways but it’s not going, I’m not using reactive form. My inputs are [(ngModel)].
The part of the code I refer to follows :
<div class="ui-g-8 ui-sm-12 ui-fluid">
<p-dropdown placeholder="Selecione..." [autoWidth]="false"
[(ngModel)]="comprovante-item.item" name="item"
#item="ngModel" required></p-dropdown>
<div class="ui-g-4 ui-md-3 ui-fluid">
<label>Afetação IGV</label>
<p-dropdown placeholder="Selecione..." [autoWidth]="false"
[(ngModel)]="comprovante-item.afetacaoIGV" name="afetacaoIGV"
[ngModelOptions]="{ updateOn: 'change' }"
#afetacaoIGV="ngModel" required></p-dropdown>
<app-message [control]="afetacaoIGV" error="required"
text="Informe o tipo de afetação IGV"></app-message>
<div class="ui-g-2 ui-sm-2 ui-fluid">
<input pInputText type="number" id="quantidade" name="quantidade" placeholder="0"
[(ngModel)]="comprovante-item.quantidade" (ngModelChange)="calculaTotalItem()"
<div class="ui-g-4 ui-md-2 ui-fluid">
<label>Valor Unitario</label>
<input pInputText readonly type="text" name="valorUnitario" placeholder="0,00"
currencyMask [options]="{ prefix: '', thousands: '.', decimal: ',', allowNegative: false }"
<div class="ui-g-4 ui-md-2 ui-fluid">
<label>Valor Desconto</label>
<input pInputText type="text" name="valorDesconto" placeholder="0,00"
currencyMask [options]="{ prefix: '', thousands: '.', decimal: ',', allowNegative: false }"
[(ngModel)]="comprovante-item.valorDesconto" (ngModelChange)="lancouDesconto()"
<div class="ui-g-4 ui-md-2 ui-fluid">
<label>Valor com IGV</label>
<input pInputText readonly type="text" name="comprovante-item.valorIGV" placeholder="0,00"
currencyMask [options]="{ prefix: '', thousands: '.', decimal: ',', allowNegative: false }"
<div class="ui-g-4 ui-md-2 ui-fluid">
<label>Valor Total</label>
<input pInputText readonly type="text" name="comprovante-item.valorIGV" placeholder="0,00"
currencyMask [options]="{ prefix: '', thousands: '.', decimal: ',', allowNegative: false }"
<div class="ui-g-1 ui-sm-4 ui-fluid">
<br />
<button pButton type="button" icon="pi pi-plus"
[disabled]="!item.value || !quantidade.value"></button>
The methods I’ve worked out to answer the steels were :
selecionouItem() {
this.comprovanteItem.valorUnitario = this.comprovanteItem.item.valorUnitario;
this.comprovanteItem.tipoAfetacaoIGV = this.comprovanteItem.item.tipoAfetacaoIGV;
this.comprovanteItem.valorIGV = this.comprovanteItem.item.valorUnitario +
(this.comprovanteItem.item.valorUnitario * this.comprovanteItem.item.tipoAfetacaoIGV.tipoTributo.aliquota);
lancouDesconto() {
this.comprovanteItem.valorIGV = (this.comprovanteItem.item.valorUnitario - this.comprovanteItem.valorDesconto) +
(this.comprovanteItem.item.valorUnitario * this.comprovanteItem.item.tipoAfetacaoIGV.tipoTributo.aliquota);
calculaTotalItem() {
this.comprovanteItem.valorTotal = this.comprovanteItem.valorIGV *
The problem is that when selecting the dropdown item it updates the item price, when releasing the quantity it updates the totals field and if there is a discount release it updates the IGV value and the total. But the fields do not update even with events being activated. I hope I was clear.
It is interesting that you put at least the code you have tried and give information about the version of
you are also using– Sorack
Ed incrementing what Sorack said, of more details of what his problem is put an acceptable example of code because only with the information provided do not have to help him. The crowd will deny your question because it is easier to negativate than explain how the site works reads this link: https://answall.com/help/dont-ask
– Leonardo Bonetti