Edit Latex in Vim and Aspell - Accents


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Hi, I’m trying to use VIM to edit a Latex file. When writing the text in Latex in the same I can accentuate normally, having difficulty to correct it in Aspell or Texmaker:

I write in VIM: *estratégicas*

Appears in the Aspell: *Estrat\égicas*

This way I can’t correct the spelling of my text.

I already included in the preamble of my file .tex:


Do you have a way to save your breath .tex in a way that I can use Aspell or Texmaker?

  • 1

    Try using the accent in the format : Estrat\'egicas, I had a similar problem

  • Thank you @Tuxpilgrim, but I tried to use such a form of accent format, but Aspell continues to recognize the word as if it were two (it divides *Estrat\'egicas* in *Estrat* and *egicas*.

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